Igor Dapunt Real Estate

Value Report

Knowing the value of proprieties and lands is important. Not only for the purchase or the sale, but also in banking transactions, in the conclusion of insurance policies around the property, for the tax office, for formalities in the case of inheritance and divorce or balance sheet.

Upon request, we’ll gladly prepare a detailed estimate of the property for sales as for rentals. An analysis of all value-improving factors is a obvious operation for us.

  • Property houses
  • Single and multi-family houses
  • Income properties
  • Commercial proprieties
  • Lands


Services of IGOR DAPUNT REAL ESTATE in the valuation report in detail

As real estate agents, we know all the factors that increase the value of a property. In addition to size, condition and location, this includes the market situation and the relationship between supply and demand.

With us you can safely plan the purchase or sale of your property based on a realistic valuation.

We determine the market value and all details of the determination are set out in details in the report. Our expert will conduct a survey and contemporary present a market value report. Our report includes a full report in duplicate.

  • Evaluation of built and undeveloped residential and commercial properties
  • Determination of rental prices
  • Trading area calculation according to FIMAA for commercial and residential areas
  • Assessment of predial easements or property rights
  • Expertise on the market value
  • Expertise on the value of the property and the rent
  • Advice on new constructions and renovations as well as rehabilitations


Choose where to search
Object - multiple choice

Total sqm

Minimal bedrooms
Minimal bathrooms
Minimal rooms
More options - multiple choice